World Mobile is changing the telecom landscape by incorporating sharing economy business structures into traditional telecom operating assets.
WorldCall technology transformation plan already under execution is focused on making WorldCall more tech savvy in its operations and move away from capital intensive asset heavy deployments.
World Mobile business philosophy is focused on community connectivity and enablement with a productive business model attached to it. It optimises network utilisation and maximizes business reach and service reach. It also fits in perfectly with WorldCall ambitions as it provides more productive utilization of existing network and opens a huge potential market for productive business engagement.
"Plans to Connect up to 200K New Customers"
WorldCall is confident that based on current progress achieved in integration and development works with World Mobile, the product would become mainstay of its future service expansion. WorldCall will extend its service to a massive numbers from underserved communities which reside in WorldCall network footprint but not connected to it. WorldCall has metro fiber optic networks in 20 cities across Pakistan with nearly 1,800 km of network in an array of multiple ducts and path redundant architecture.
Under this collaboration with World Mobile, WorldCall plans to connect up to 200K new customers with a potential coverage footprint reaching more than 3 million households.